Utility Location Services

Utility Location Services

Prior to core drilling, concrete cutting, road sawing or excavation it is import to know where your utility services are located before commencing works. In many cases a (DBYD) Dial-Before-You-Dig search will provide information on major assets in your work area. It is important to remember that many other utility services within a premise will not be shown on a (DBYD) Dial-Before-You-Dig plan.

Avoiding underground cables and pipes is a major concern on construction sites. Therefore detecting the position of buried cables and pipes before starting any excavation work can help prevent operator injury, asset damage and any subsequent costs. Our cable locators help us perform cable and pipe avoidance or detection. We can also measure the depth of the underground infrastructure on your site which helps with utility locating accuracy and services range.

It is import to locate your utility services prior to excavation. It is a small cost and piece-of-mind to have these services located when compared to repairs costs of a sewer pipe of telephone cable. Expensive utility repairs usually require excavation of driveways and hardstands by the utility owners.

Our utility location services include:

  • Pipe locating
  • Mains power cable locating
  • Communications cable locating
  • Manual Potholing
  • DBYD Searches

For more information about our utility locating services contact RYSKEL 1300 535792.